Winter Weekday Offer - Buy One Main Course & Treat a Friend For Free

Mark McManus


Mark is a lifelong naturalist (he still has his RSPB YOC badge!), with an enquiring mind about the natural world and a specialist knowledge of birds and butterflies. He is passionate about conservation, bird surveying and biological recording and volunteers regularly for the Sussex Wildlife Trust and the RSPB. He has previously worked at the RSPB’s Pulborough Brooks reserve as an Assistant Warden and for the South Downs National Park Authority as a Ranger, where he helped to protect the special species that are found on the heathlands within the South Downs. He loves to enthuse and engage about nature in a relaxed but informative way whilst leading safari tours around Knepp.

‘Knepp shows us how nature can repair and rebuild itself incredibly quickly when given the space. It is really impressive to see how the large herbivores are continually managing the landscape and the habitat benefits they have created for a rising number of other species in such a relatively short period of time. Rewilding teaches us so much about how our countryside should look and gives us hope for the future. Every day is a school day at Knepp!’

Our 12+ Policy

Knepp Wildland Safaris, our gardens and campsite are all about the quiet and patient observation of nature.

Some of the species we are likely to encounter are shy or can be frightened by loud noises or sudden movements. Our campsite with open-air fire-pits, wood-burning stoves and an on-site pond is unsuitable for small children.

For this reason, our safaris, garden visits, holiday cottages and campsite are suitable only for children of 12 and over.

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