NEW Winter Menu, Seven Days a Week

air purification

Evidence shows that people are healthier, physically fitter and better adjusted, and children’s behaviour and school work improve, if they have access to the countryside, parks or gardens. Breathing clean air is a crucial aspect of this.

According to Public Health England, poor air quality in urban areas is said to be a factor in 29,000 premature deaths in the UK every year. A recent report in the Lancet associates the noise and air pollution of busy roads with Alzheimer’s disease.  

But fresh air, long considered a tonic, is not just about avoiding pollution. Toxicologists are discovering that air provided by nature is loaded with microbes produced by plants, fungi and bacteria that are beneficial to health and boost the immune system.  

Further Information

Bird, W. ‘Natural Thinking – investigating the links between the natural environment, biodiversity and mental health’. A report for the RSPB. (June 2007) 
Chen, H., et al. ‘Living near major roads and the incidence of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis: a population-based cohort study’. The Lancet, vol 389, no. 10070, pp. 718-726. (18 February 2017)  

Hanski et al. ‘Environmental biodiversity, human microbiota and allergy are interrelated.’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 109, pp.8334-8339 (2012) 

Our Natural Health Service: The role of the natural environment in maintaining healthy lives. Natural England, Sheffield. (2009) 

Our 12+ Policy

Knepp Wildland Safaris, our gardens and campsite are all about the quiet and patient observation of nature.

Some of the species we are likely to encounter are shy or can be frightened by loud noises or sudden movements. Our campsite with open-air fire-pits, wood-burning stoves and an on-site pond is unsuitable for small children.

For this reason, our safaris, garden visits, holiday cottages and campsite are suitable only for children of 12 and over.

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