Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Last updated: [17/02/2022]
1. Introduction
This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (EDI) relates to all employees, contractors, volunteers and other authorised individuals (‘employees’) associated with Sir Charles Burrell and Lady Isabella Burrell (nee Tree) t/a Knepp Castle Estate, Knepp Farm Partnership, Knepp Wildland Safaris, Knepp Castle Home Farm, Knepp Wild Range, Edward Burrell t/a Knepp Estate B, Knepp Energy Ltd, Brookhouse Knepp Ltd, and Knepp Wildland Foundation (‘Knepp’).
2. Our Commitment
Knepp promotes and is committed to personal well-being, equality, diversity and inclusion. We recognise and strive to enable equal opportunity for everyone in our community. Knepp and its employees will not discriminate on the grounds of the characteristics listed in the Equality Act namely:
- age;
- disability;
- gender reassignment;
- marriage and civil partnership;
- pregnancy and maternity;
- race;
- religion or belief; and
- sex or sexual orientation.
Discrimination on any of these grounds will be viewed as a disciplinary offence.
3. Employee Responsibilities
Every employee has a vital role to support the Knepp commitment to the EDI policy. We expect all staff to:
- Show respect and courtesy to others at all times when conversing in person and with written media (emails and electronic or social media etc.);
- Express instructions to others carefully and appropriately;
- Listen to others with respect and attention;
- Deal with disagreements assertively but not aggressively;
- Value and welcome differences in culture and beliefs;
- Use appropriate language in a way that may not intimidate, offend, alienate or patronise others; and
- Not engage in bullying behaviour towards colleagues or towards any staff.
4. Knepp Responsibilities
Knepp recognisesthe value of difference and isnot prepared to tolerate workplace discrimination.
When recruiting, all applications will be judged solely on merit. Knepp recognises the value of difference and want to support all candidates and employees to unlock their potential.
4.2 Complaints
- Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedure. Steps will be taken to ensure that any inappropriate behaviour is stopped. Where appropriate, the matter will be dealt with informally and discreetly. The disciplinary procedure may be invoked where necessary; and
- Every employee should report to their manager any behaviour that they consider to be intimidating, disrespectful, bullying, harassing, offensive, discriminatory or aggressive. This behaviour should be reported whether it is directed at an individual or at a colleague or from or a visitor to Knepp.