Home / 4 Pondtail Farm
West Grinstead, West Sussex, RH13 8LN
The premises are available to let on a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed. The Lease is excluded from Section 24 to 28 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 Part II relating to security of tenure.
There is a service charge for the upkeep of the communal facilities currently running at approximately £2 per square foot. The service charge covers external maintenance and repairs.
Rent £23,500 per annum exclusive.
EPC rating 102 (E).
VAT will be chargeable on the rent and service charge.
Viewing – strictly by appointment only .
For further information please click here.
Knepp Wildland Safaris, our gardens and campsite are all about the quiet and patient observation of nature.
Some of the species we are likely to encounter are shy or can be frightened by loud noises or sudden movements. Our campsite with open-air fire-pits, wood-burning stoves and an on-site pond is unsuitable for small children.
For this reason, our safaris, garden visits, holiday cottages and campsite are suitable only for children of 12 and over.